Thursday, March 17, 2011

ESPN Roadshow Fame

Okay, it is only for about 1 or 2 seconds. And you have to pay really close attention. But at about 3:10 in the following video, if you look, you can see me and my crew at the MWC Tourney in Vegas. ESPN shot this video from the aisle right as Emery threw down an awesome dunk. We went crazy.

You can easy see Weston White, myself, David Castleberry, and Mark Mendoza going crazy in the background. Fifteen more minutes I guess.

We all think it is pretty funny. The cheering was supposed to be staged but there was nothing staged when Emery threw down that dunk. It was utter madness.

1 comment:

Jet said...

You went without Sara? :(

P.S. You're famous (again)! Sweet!