Hey everyone, just a couple of random thoughts to keep me distracted from the gigantic stack of papers on my desk (and the four bankers boxes stacked in the corner that are full of documents for me to review).
First, I love Firefox 3. I've never been a big fan of the Firefox browsers. I used Maxthon for a long time. But I've been using Firefox 3 for several weeks now and I think it is going to replace Maxthon permanently as my browser of choice. The add-ons are fantastic. I suggest FaviconizeTab and ColorfulTabs. Make sure you get those two.
Second, while I was riding TRAX into work today (as of today, I can drive again, but Sara and I are going to a Bees game tonight so I took TRAX), I noticed a huge line of people outside of the at&t wireless store. I think the new iPhone 3G gets released today and I'm guessing that all the people were lined up so they could be the first people to have the latest and greatest toy from Apple. But seriously, it was 7:45 in the morning. If you don't have to be to work early, do you really want to spend that extra time waiting in line to get a phone (so that work can get ahold of you at anytime and anyplace?). Surely they could have waited until tomorrow. As for me, I'll stick with my Treo 750 for a while longer (my contract is up in August and then I'll see what kind of deal I can swing on a new plan).
And finally, Lagoon is awesome. You should go. And while you're there, be sure to eat a big, chewy pretzel in honor of me.
Have a great Friday everyone. Peace.
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