Wednesday, February 06, 2008

End of the Revolution

Several people have asked me to explain why, if I support Mitt Romney, I voted for Ron Paul. The answer should be fairly obvious. Ron Paul is awesome (although I would never vote for him as President). Romney took 90% of the votes in Utah and he was assured all of the Utah delegates. So I voted for Ron Paul. I think he has a lot of good ideas (and my conservatism has a slight libertarian bent to it -- particularly in light of the ridiculous budget recently proposed by President Bush -- I'm officially changing my status from a Republican to a Conservative). In case you are wondering how things shook out in Utah, here is the breakdown:

Mitt Romney 89.62%
John Mccain 5.36%
Ron Paul 2.91%
Mike Huckabee 1.42%
Hey, at least my guy beat Huckabee. Obama was the clear winner the Democratic Primary:

Barack Obama 56.61%
Hillary Clinton 39.19%
John Edwards 2.84%

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I like Ron Paul alot can thanks us Texans ;)