My love for Pepsi is well known. That said, I'm not sure that I'm a big fan of the new logos and bottles. As my little sister, Jet, pointed out, the new logo sure looks a lot like Barack Obama's logo. Here are the new Pepsi bottles:

And here is Barack Obama's Pepsi bottle:

Just pick your Obama campaign slogan and insert it below the bottle: "Yes We Can", "Change You Can Believe In", "Change Can Happen", or "Together We Can". Or, the classic Pepsi slogan works well too: "Obama, The Choice of a New Generation". I'm seeing some serious cross-promotional opportunities. For example, if I get enough Pepsi Points, can I have dinner at the White House? Or even better, how about a spot on the Cabinet? Or the U.S. Supreme Court? Now we're talking.
But maybe you're not an Obama fan? Don't worry, Pepsi didn't forget you. The smart advertising and branding executives were quick to realize that everyone is either an Obama fan or a Star Trek fan. Accordingly, they made sure the new bottles looked like Worf:

So so clever... And long live the Klingons!
Obama supporters also seem to like Star Trek.
Hee hee! Good ol' Klingons!
Very funny.
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